Heft 168c

Guo Zhenzhi:

Television Regulation And China´s Entry Into WTO (Chinese version),

Köln, im August 2003, ISBN 3-934156-62-2

19 S., Schutzgebühr 2,00 €

In this paper the author depicts the development of China's media system after WTO entry. She examines the process and prospect of transforming China's existing regime of television regulation, characterized largely by internal, ambiguous, and changeable command, into a new regime of open, explicit, and more stable law and regulations. It begins with a brief overview of the history of Chinese television and the evolution of its political and administrative control mechanisms, followed by a short description of the broadcasting regulatory reform. It then proceeds to analyze the development of broadcasting related regulations, focusing on two areas -Television institution and programming regulations, which are the most recent and most conspicuous changes of broadcasting reform. Finally, the paper concludes with a brief discussion of the prospects for Chinese regulation transformation. Far from most optimistic predictions, this paper argues that the regulation changes hitherto in Chinese television are more restrictive than freeing, that they change more superficially than substantially, that Chinese television reform has a long way to go to reach lawful regulations. 

This paper was finished during a stay at the Institute for Broadcasting Economics, Cologne, Germany, in August 2003. German DAAD supported the visit at the Institute for Broadcasting Economics in the context of a joint research project with the Communication University of China (former: Beijing Broadcasting Institute). 

The author is Research Professor at the Communication University of China.

在这篇论文中,作者中国媒体体制在加入WTO后的发展。她考察了中国现有政治体制下以大量的内部的,含糊的,可变的命令为特点的电视法规向开放的,明确的更稳定的法律和法规的新体制的转变过程和前景。文章先简要地回顾了中国电视的历史和政治管理控制机制的演变,随后简短地描述了广播管理规章的改革。文章进而主要从两个方面分析了与广播相关的法规的发展 -- 电视体制和节目法规,大多是广播改革中最近的,最显著的变化。最后,文章结尾简短地讨论了中国法规改革的前景。非但没有乐观的预测,文章反而认为,迄今为止的中国电视领域的法规变化不是解放媒体,而是有了更多的限制;变化只是表面的,而非实质性的;中国电视的改革距离法治还有很长的一段路要走。



这篇文章完成于2003年8月,在德国科隆广播经济研究所停留期间。作为同中国传媒大学(原北京广播学院) 的合作研究项目的一部分,德国学术交流中心(DAAD) 资助了这次在广播经济研究所的访问。

