Conference Series "Public Service Broadcasting. A German-Ukrainian Exchange of Opinions"
The Institute for Broadcasting Economics has organized two academic conferences on public service broadcasting, jointly with the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Journalism at the National University "
Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" (Kyiv, Ukraine). The cooperation has been supported by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and the Federal Foreign Office within the project "Introduction of a Public Service Broadcasting as a Means of Supporting Democracy in Ukraine? A German-Ukrainian Exchange of Opinions".
The presentation slides and audio records of the speeches can be downloaded from the list below. All papers have been published as contributions in the following conference proceedings:
- Olexiy Khabyuk, Manfred Kops (Eds.): Public Service Broadcasting: A German-Ukrainian Exchange of Opinions. Results of the Conference on 22nd June 2010 in Kyiv, Ukraine, Working Papers of the Institute for Broadcasting Economics, No. 276, Cologne 2010.
Speaker | Presentation Slides | Audio Records | Text |
Dr. Yehven Fedchenko | No presentations slides available | fedchenko.mp3 | Current State of the Media in Ukraine: Challenges and Dangers. Opening Remarks, p. 7 |
Prof. Dr. Sergiiy Kvit | No presentations slides available | kvit.mp3 | The Ghost of Public Broadcasting Service in Ukraine, p. 11 |
Prof. Dr. Peter Schiwy | No presentations slides available | schiwy.mp3 | Public Service Broadcasting - a Legal Definition, p. 19 |
Dr. Manfred Kops | Public Service Broadcasting - an Economic Definition | kops1.mp3 | Public Service Broadcasting - an Economic Definition, p. 25 |
Prof. Dr. Hans Kleinsteuber | No presentations slides available | kleinsteuber1.mp3 | Public Sercive Broadcasting - a Political Definition, p. 53 |
Dr. Olexiy Khabyuk | Protecting Public Service Broadcasting from State Intervention | khabyuk.mp3 | Protecting Public Service Broadcasting from State Intervention, p. 61 |
Prof. Dr. Hans Kleinsteuber | No presentations slides available | kleinsteuber2.mp3 | Non-governmental and Non-market Control of Public Service Broadcasting. Norm and Reality of the German Broadcasting Boards ("Rundfunkräte"), p. 71 |
Dr. Manfred Kops | Adjusting the Remits and Resources of Publiuc Service Broadcasting within the German Dual Media Order | kops2.mp3 | Adjusting the Remits and Resources of Publiuc Service Broadcasting within the German Dual Media Order |
At this first conference German experts described the German public service broadcasting system and discussed it with the Ukrainian participants. The present Ukrainian broadcasting system was described and discussed there only briefly as it will be the key subject of a follow-up conference in Cologne on October 20, 2010, where Ukrainian experts described the situation of the Ukrainian broadcasting order in greater detail to the German participants and discussed with them possible steps for the implementation of public service broadcasting in Ukraine.
Please find further details about the conference on June 22, 2010, at the website of the Kyiv-Mohyla School of Journalism (in Ukrainian).
To support the dialogue with Ukrainian experts on the Institute's initiative three papers have been published in Ukrainian. One of them is the Ukrainian translation of "The German Dual Broadcasting Order − Development History, Current Structure and Expected Changes" (available in Ukrainian here) by Dr. Manfred Kops, General Manager of the Institute for Broadcasting Economics. Another one is the Ukrainian translation of those parts of the German Interstate Treaty on Broadcasting and Telemediа and of the Interstate Broadcasting Treaties on Financing and on License Fee, which are relevant for public service broadcasting. It is available here. A third publication describes the public service broadcasting in Germany in detail, especially its organizational structure and funding.
Conference 2010 Kyiv
22nd June 2010
9:00 am till 5:00 pm
Event location:
DFJ Mediacenter
Kyiv-Mohyla School of Journalism Building 4
Documents for Download: